Sand Dunes in California
went from 20' degree weather to a nice 80'
We loved it!

We were just barely sledding in the snow, now the SAND!

We raced up the dunes, Satya beat Amaron with a little help from her girls!

Jon and Austin teaching the girls how to ride quads....

The girls had a great time in the sand, playing with their cousins and going on rides with Dad.
New Years 2010!(Fireworks in the background)
Caroline was up 'til New Years, couldn't sleep with all the excitement!
So she hung aroung the campfire with us.

Christmas with Cousins, sledding then coming in to warm by the fire....

Everyone had a great time sledding for hours in our backyard.

Christmas morning!
The girls were excited to get their princess castle and the boys got their cell phones!

Christmas Eve with all the traditions, Nativity (the boys were in charge)

Talent Show (the girls planned it themselves)
Dancing with the singin' tree!

More Christmas parties....Hay rides, and getting to be with cousins!

Charlotte was the STAR in her school play........

.......and she new it!

K-3rd grades put on a great performance!
That's what I like about a small town, the Nativity was a big part in their Christmas program.