Merrill Family

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

I turned THIRTY!!!!!!! Ahhhhh!!!!!!

I turned 30!! I am officially old! And like Kim Merrill Said, finally in the right age range to have teenagers. They suprised me with the hat, singing and put whip cream all over my nose! Everyone had a good laugh!
My sisters suprised me and showed up on my doorstep early in the morning while I was still in my pajamas. Such a fun day! We went to brunch, went and visited Grandma in her class room and played at the park! I couldn't have asked for a better birthday! Thanks girls for an incredible day! I love you girls!!!!

Best of Friends!
Satya, Anna, Jessyka, Lucia


Kimberly said...

It looks like you had a great birthday. Your sisters are awesome for surprising you. Maybe mine will surprise me for my birthday this year. That's wishful thinking.

Hale Yes!! said...

Happy Belated birthday!! I hope you had a great day!! That is so cool that your sisters surprised you, but you deserve it!!!! Love ya!

maelynn said...

How fun!
You don't look a day over 20!
I'll be joining you in the "thirties" club this year too!

Rachelle Palmer said...

Happy Birthday!!! looks like fun! it's great to have such a awesome family... i love your sisters