Merrill Family

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

More pictures of our summer adventures!

Kalicia took the picture of Natalie and I in the pool. I was actually amazed! A young, 3 yr. old photographer!


collette said...

I haven't seen Natalie in forever. Your girls are soooo cute. I love the picture of Caroline eating an ice-cream. We might head up north tomorrow. If you're around maybe we can stop by.

collette said...

Oh, I forgot to say thank you for the phone calls and I got the package. We just got back from our trip. Thank you so much! I just finished eating a Nip (funny name). The hair things are cute!
Thanks so much! I'm so sad that you had a hard birthday. MIke's been 30 for 3 years so I've had time to adjust and let it sink in. Or maybe I was too busy shopping to think what it actually means. Either way my new saying is "30 is the new 20!!!!!!" Yeaaaaah baby!!!!!

collette said...

We are getting a late start at heading up north. So we are going straight to Show Low. We'll have to come by another time. Hope everything is well.

Steven & DeLona said...

Good job Kalicia... she is a good photographer!