We love being together with Family!

.....and Uncle Amaron and Daddy put in the Swing set from Santa!

Then we got together for our big White Elephant Gift Exchange and Fondue Party!

Then we headed over to grandma and grandpa's for stockings and more presents!
(They have stockings for everyone!)

The kids loved eating in the green house!

My favorite part is when all the family gets together for a big meal. We butchered our own turkey this year and had a green house to extend our dining room to add another table!

Caroline wasn't too thrilled with the quads, she was simply content with her little slide.

They took their little sisters on rides in their p.j.s and all the other little neighborhood kids!

They screamed and yelled with excitement!!!!!

They went berserk when they went out to the garage to feed the dog....

All the excitement of Christmas morning.........
but this was just the beginning!
Red Soup and omelets for breakfast!
The girls informed me that in the movies the kids jump on mom and dad to wake them up, but they were being nice instead and woke us up with lots and lots of kisses!
Christmas Eve @ Grandma and Grandpa Pember's House....

Grandpa's fancy Train set up this year, made it so much fun for the grandkids. When we would go visit he would give us hot chocolate and goodies and show the movie!
Traditional Story told my Grandpa,
Twas the Night Before Christmas
Nativity put on by the children......
(The boys are almost too old for it.)
Talent Show:

Uncle Nate and Aunt Jessyka singing

Austin and Mom singing "Silent Night", brought tears to my eyes being able to sing with my son.

Everyone was entranced with Jon's sweet solo.
The girls performed their Christmas Spectacular tap dance!

"Sweet Caroline" getting so big and dancing with her sister, Kalicia

Grandma and Grandpa singing

We had such a nice experience Christmas Caroling this year.... getting to know our neighbors!
(and getting all bundled up, cause it was freezing!)
Taylor 9th Ward Christmas Party....
Bishop Lewis being the Narrator for the Children's Nativity

Cute little Shepherds!

Aunt Jessyka came and Mieka sang with the primary. And Kalicia's new friend Cameron wanted to hold her hand.
I think Jon wanted to hold his new friend's hand too, Kelly.... Hee Hee!
We went to Phoenix for more doctor appointments at Child Rehabilitative Services at St. Joseph's Hospital. We got to see Santa there!!!
They were sad because they hadn't seen Santa all Season and then all of a sudden we saw three within two days and they couldn't figure out how he was everywhere! He is magic.......
The boys favorite place to Christmas shop was Bass Pro Shop.
Daddy enjoyed teaching his little girls to shoot!
Daddy is so proud of his little "Tom Boy" princess Kalicia who gets into all the hunting and fishing!
(Look how hard she is concentrating!)
Writing letters to Santa......
~Christmas Picnic with the Merrill Family at Pioneer Park~

One of the kids' favorite activities, after eating pizza, was climbing on the rocks. (Moms were a little nervous....) Charlotte was so proud of herself that she could climb up there like all the other cousins!
Then we took a walk across the street to go and see the.....
The girls of course were fascinated by the water and that they could see the Temple's reflection in the water.
What a wonderful feeling to know that we are a.....
We went and visited Austin's biological family and took Christmas gifts.

Grandma Maland hugging Kalicia. She has adopted our girls in return!

Grandma and Grandpa Vesely with Austin
and Grandma Maland set up a little Tea Party for the girls while the adults got to visit.
(amongst all the other busy Holiday fun!)

Elwood Waters and Sandy Stewart were great helpers!
(Along with the Isaacs, Tenneys, Bro. Gunn, Winston, Kelly and of course Dad, Jon and Mom)
Austin did a great job organizing his Eagle Project.
He remodeled the Silver Creek Camp Kitchen.
Yea! Now to plan his Court of Honor and help Jon get his finished!
Fun Christmas Activities with Grandma and Grandpa Pember!
Watching the Polar Express......

Making Christmas Goodies to deliver to friends and family.....

Caroline loved the Candy Canes!

The other two loved eating more than making!

Jon and Austin helped decorate Grandpa and Grandma's House.
Happy Birthday Grandma Charlotte Burgoyne!

What a fun memory with Grandma and Grandpa Burgoyne! We went and spent time over there during the Holidays and for Grandma Burgoyne's Birthday.....and she got down on the floor with her great grand kids, just like she did with us when we were little. She read our favorite story as kids, "Little Black Sambo." My kids favorite part is when the tigers ran around the tree and turned to butter and Little Black Sambo's mom made lots of tiger pancakes!
Happy 17th Birthday Jonny Boy!!!!!

We celebrated his birthday all weekend long, starting Thursday with a big French Toast Buffet, going out to JB's for lunch.......
Then we got to have his biological brothers and sisters come stay the weekend with us, along with his biological father. It turned out to be a busy and exciting weekend!
BBQ for his Birthday dinner. He invited the Stewarts and Grandma and Grandpa Pember too! What fun! I hope he sees and knows how much he is loved!

It was quite an experience to bring two different families together in one house for a few days. We all had a wonderful time together, playing games, watching movies and visiting for hours.

(Mom's 1st attempt to an ice cream cake and it turned out! Yea!!)
This was the cake he asked for this year, along with the Pumpkin Cheese Cake!
Happy Birthday Jonny Boy! We love you so much and are so glad to have you as a brother and son!