Merrill Family

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Birthday week! What fun!!!!
Happy Birthday Grandpa Pember ~55 yrs. old!
(Happy birthday to Jade, Aunt Natalie, and Uncle David too!)
Happy Birthday Sister Packer ~90 yrs. old!
We celebrated birthdays at Dairy Queen this year!
These two just enjoyed all the partying!
Just a few days before that Dairy Queen trip, Grandma and Grandpa Pember took Kalicia out on her own Dairy Queen trip since they were going to miss her birthday. She was so excited to go out on the town, on a date without mom. She was acting very grown up telling me, "Mom, I love you. I will be back soon. I am going out." She dolled herself up put her own flower in her hair and waited at the door for about 30 minutes, watching for them.

1 comment:

Kimberly said...

That's really cute! Kalicia is a very sweet girl.