Merrill Family

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

On our way to the.......
We rode the light rail to the Diamond Backs game.

The girls have never been on a train,
so they thought this was one of the most exciting things ever!
It was fun riding with all our Aunts, Uncles, cousins and Grandparents on the train!

They were all amazingly cute!
They have been practicing this dance routine for months!
Charlotte and Kalicia got to dance with their
Dance Matrix Team
at the Diamond Backs game for the preshow.
Their whole dance routine was displayed on the Jumbo Tron (Big TV).
It was so fun and way too cute, a dream come true!
And they said Charlotte was never even supposed to crawl, she's DANCING!!!
Kalicia loves being the star and being with her friends!!!

They had so much fun with all their cousins!
Charlotte and Kalicia enjoyed all the yummy candy and goodies
while watching the Diamond Backs WIN!!!!
We were so excited for all the support from friends and family.
It sure made the girls feel so special!

Daddy is so proud of his girls!!!!
And look at all that candy!
Their Aunts brought them candy to tell them "Great Job!"
Charlotte and Kalicia thought they were in Heaven.
They got pretty dance necklaces from their Aunt Sierra.
Wow, they had no idea that they would get such special treatment.
(Aunt Satya snuck in homemade yummy cookies,
the guards felt guilty and didn't make her throw her hard work away, so funny!)
If you ask Austin,
he will tell you it was the best day of his life!
He caught a ball, a t-shirt and a towl!
Wow, how did he get so lucky with all the thousands of people!
Even Mary, Charlotte's therapist came. The Malands (Austin's grandparents) were there too!

Uncle Sparky!
Charlotte has made a new friend, Ember.
How exciting is it to find a friend just like her!
It was so fun to visit with Ember's Mom. We had so much to share and talk about. We couldn't believe how much our girls looked a like too! ~Beautiful Girls!

The girls loved meeting Bobbie Freeman, the Diamond Backs Organist!
That was so exciting! He was so friendly and even gave them an autograph.
What an exciting and eventful night after spending days in Phoenix for more Doctor appointments at St. Joseph's Hospital. It was a fabulous way to end the week!


Kimberly said...

Good job girls you are beautiful dancers! I love Charlotte's big smile, way too cute!

collette said...

That's so awesome! Way to go girls. Anna- I know you've worked and prayed so hard for this miracle. It's so wonderful to see such great things. MIss ya!!!