HAPPY THANKSGIVING!.....And all the fun that goes with it!!!

A fun and entertaining weekend at
Grandma and Grandpa Pembers.
(Sage and the Girls Band)
and the boys went hunting!

Charlotte surprised Daddy with a cute haircut when he got back from hunting.

The Thanksgiving Holidays are so much fun with family all around, no work, just traveling and fun!
Can't forget the
Traditional Candy Houses,
made by the kiddos.
So Silly and full of sugar.......I always love how creative and clever they get!

The cousins came to our house to play with clay and make ceramics.
Their clay pieces will get fired in the kiln and then they get to glaze(paint)them next time they come.
That was such a fun and messy project. I loved all the creative ideas. Snowmans were the most popular to make.

Halee was so excited about the neat bowl she made and can't wait to put food in it!

Caroline already learning how to use carving tools and loving it,
my little artist.
Merrill Thanksgiving Feast
All the Merrill Family together,
but we are missing DeLona's Family.

Merrill Cousins at Aunt Angelene's House
Merrill Girls.....dancing and performing the night away,
directed by Aunt Rachelle

My Favorite part of the Holidays is getting a chance to see family that you never get to see!
We get together to visit, dance, laugh, eat and just have a fabulous time!!!!!

It was great to see my cousin, Donald Bradford, who is living it up in New York and a designer for Calvin Klein. We had so much fun together as kids, with Sharon too!
(The Three Amigos)

I saw so many cousins that I grew up with, that brought back so many fun memories.
Adam Connolly came to visit from Alaska. He taught me to dance as a kid and it was so much fun to see him dancing with my daughter.
This was such a fun Holiday Break! What a great way to start this exciting time of year, surrounded by family!!!!
It was fun to see everyone at Thanksgiving...hopefully we'll be able to see everyone at Christmas too!
You gotta love big families! Miss you tons!
I wish I could have been there for the three amigos reunion! We need to go an olde time picture taken of us again! Ha!
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