Merrill Family

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Celebrations!! ....the old and the young!!!

We had a fun time at Sierra Hensley's Bridal Shower, my brother's bride to be!
(Kalicia was so excited to go with me. I picked her up at her dance class and got right over to the party!)

Oh, No!!!!! It's Mom's birthday again and she turned 31 years old!!!!
Wasn't as hard to turn 31 as turning 30 though.
I had a very fun birthday and Loren got me these amazingly cool boots! I was so impressed, he has good taste!!! He celebrated my birthday in the morning before he went to work and made me my favorite "Loren's Omelets"!

We even had cake for breakfast, the girls thougt that was the greatest!!!!
Chocolate Cake for Breakfast!!!


Do You Think I Am An Automaton said...

I love those pictures of you, Anna! You look just like you did when we were in high school! I mean that in a good way!

Steven & DeLona said...

Happy belated birthday Anna! I am so far behind on life.. sorry! Sounds like you had a good one!!!