Merrill Family

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

More Doctor Appt. Trips to the Valley.......

But....ya gotta make it fun!
We went to the mall with all our cousins and had a great time on the Carousel!



They joined the Kids Club at Superstition Mall.

While staying in the Hotel for all our St. Joseph Hospital appointments, Caroline started pulling herself up in the crib for the 1st time! Yea! I was so thrilled. We also got her set up with braces for her legs, so it should help her to start walking. She doesn't have the strength she needs to support her weight.
We also got the results from the MRI, pretty tough to handle, but at least we are starting to get answers. Both Charlotte and Caroline's Cerebelum hasn't developed to it's fullest which causes major obstacles with their motor skills (walking, jumping etc.) Also, the white brain matter is under developed. I truly feel they will overcome their disabilities, but it will take time and a lot of work. They just don't get to do it like everyone else. They have to find new routes in their brains to get where they need to be. They have obstacles before them, but it will only make them stronger and teach their mother patience. I have learned so much from them and have received numerous blessings from their sweet spirits. Both of my daughters have been diagnosed with Cerebral Palsey. It has been hard to accept.
I don't know why, but all will be well!


Lucia said...

It was fun,let's do it again!

Christine said...

That has got to be so hard! Please know I'm thinking of you and I hope all will be well.

Natalie Lundberg said...

We love you Anna and family...I'm glad your getting answers, you are an amazing mother:)